Dialog Semiconductor former CEO Dr Jalal Bagherli answers #LaQuestionJolt

Following the Covid-induced semiconductors shortage, Europe has decided to reduce its dependency on foreign supplies. A European Chips Act was announced in September 2021 by President von der Leyden and will soon be presented by Commissioner Breton.

The goal is ambitious, increasing EU current global share from 6% to 20% by 2030. State aids for new production facilities could become possible and a dedicated European semiconductor fund would be created, on top of the European Alliance already launched.

But the US, China or Korea also plan to provide tens of billions of public money to domestic semiconductors production. On top of that, there is limited demand for state-of-the-art chips in Europe since we concentrate on automotive and industrial sectors. 

Boosting EU’s semiconductors sovereignty is arguably a good strategy, but how should we go about it, considering the global nature and the interdependence of the supply chain? Concentrating on some key technologies and markets? What should be the right balance between reshoring and partnerships, if we want to go for the long game and not just playing catch up?

Many thanks to Dr Jalal Bagherli, former CEO of Dialog Semiconductor, for answering #LaQuestionJolt.



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