Jolt Capital does not take Principal Adverse Impact’s into account at an entity level, as only Jolt Capital IV is an Article 9 Fund, the previous funds pertaining to Article 6.

Jolt Capital’s Responsible Investment Policy :
Our Responsible Investment Policy relies on the three following strategic pillars :
Added value: Jolt Capital targets companies generating efficiency gains and improvement of business processes through technology, not through the exploitation of natural or human resources.
Exemplary governance: we ensure that none of our operations carry a risk of corruption and that all can operate with complete integrity.
Risk management: Jolt Capital actively refuses to invest in ESG-sensitive sectors and products (weapons, tobacco, illicit drugs, gaming, gambling, pornography, prostitution, non-ethical genetic development, environmentally controversial sectors).
Jolt Capital’s Positive Screening Approach :
Jolt Capital is committed to investing in companies generating efficiency gains and improvement of business processes through technology, not through the exploitation of natural or human resources. To ensure the effective delivery of this value creation for society, Jolt Capital has decided to develop a positive screening approach which will enable the proactive selection of companies with an impactful technology (which means a technology able to improve directly or indirectly climate change, resource use, ethical data use, human skills and wellbeing).
Jolt Capital’s ESG Integration Throughout The Investment Cycle
During all key stages of the investment process, from pre-investment to exit, ESG considerations are integrated into decision-making and ownership processes.
Investment screening
Jolt Capital addresses ESG as early as its screening for investment opportunities process. Moreover, as a responsible investor, Jolt Capital actively refuses to invest in ESG-sensitive sectors and products.
Pre-investment phase
Prior to investment, Jolt Capital systematically conducts a thorough ESG due diligence covering the target company’s compliance with major ESG regulations as well as maturity and performance on key ESG issues for its sector. This results in an ESG roadmap with specific targets and KPIs. This ESG roadmap is explicitly referenced in the Shareholders Agreement.
While we are committed to a materiality-based approach and therefore focus on issues of high relevance for each company, given its business model and geographic footprint, we systematically assess the following:
Climate & GHG emissions: Exposure to physical and transition-related climate risks and opportunities. Our scope of analysis indeed covers both the company’s direct environmental impacts, as well as indirect impacts linked to its value chain.
Governance: We systematically require that an active Board of Directors – including independent members selected based on their industry expertise – be in place.
Circularity: For hardware companies, we also interrogate product lifecycle impact, from raw materials to waste and disposal.
Data use: For software companies, when relevant, we also closely assess issues around data use, including security, privacy, and ethical considerations.
Ownership phase
We request our portfolio companies:
to use all commercially reasonable efforts to conduct their activities in accordance with the Environmental, Social and Governance principles and best practices (including developing sustainable products and services, respecting human rights, encouraging diversity, managing with transparency, …).
to provide us, upon request and at least once per year, a report on the environmental, social and governance performance of the company and its subsidiaries. We ask our portfolio companies to report key ESG indicators annually.
to promptly notify us of any event likely to create a material breach of the most commonly accepted ESG criteria and/or the social and environmental laws and regulations in the company’s countries of activity (such notification including an overview of the nature of the relevant event; the material impacts or potential material impacts arising from the relevant event; and any measures taken or planned to be taken to address the identified material impacts arising from, or prevent recurrence of, the relevant event).
Concerning the environmental impact of our portfolio companies, we progressively raise the consciousness of their management on this specific matter and ask them to develop the relevant KPIs they should be reporting to us; in any case, we ask companies to inform us without delay of any incident having a material environmental impact. Particular attention is paid to climate-related issues: companies are required to provide all indicators necessary to the assessment of our portfolio carbon footprint and the analysis of climate-related risks and opportunities.
Exit phase
Upon disinvestment of a portfolio company, Jolt Capital intends to:
Highlighting the Company’s ESG maturity and potential future upsides, either through an ESG-specific memo and/or and ESG Vendor Due Diligence, as appropriate.
Ensuring management continuity at the time of the exit in order to help the company to preserve its mission and the entrepreneurial spirit of the management teams.
Jolt Capital’s ESG Integration at a Glance
Sustainability Risk Integration in the Investment Decision-making Process
The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) defines sustainability risk as “an environmental, social or governance event or condition that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of the investment.
At Jolt Capital, we believe that including sustainability risks in the investment decision process can enhance the risk-adjusted returns of the portfolios. We therefore :
ensure that portfolio managers and analysts have access to relevant ESG information, making it possible to identify sustainability risks within our investable universe,
include and consider sustainability risks as part of investment evaluation, in line with our belief that integrating such considerations into the investment decision making process can lead to better long-term, risk-adjusted returns,
identify, evaluate and take relevant action on portfolio companies showing high exposure to sustainability risk.
Furthermore, we take into account environmental risks and social risks in the valuation process of each portfolio company on a quarterly basis. These risks are, among other risks (eg: financial, logistics, ...), computed in a risk matrix which determines the discount to be applied to the intrinsic value of each portfolio company.
Integration of Sustainability Risks in Remuneration
Sustainability risks are not only integrated in our investment processes, but also in our remuneration polices on different levels.
Jolt Capital’s remuneration policy (i) promotes sound and effective risk management with respect to sustainability risks, ensuring that the structure of remuneration does not encourage excessive risk taking with respect to sustainability risks, and (ii) is linked to risk-adjusted performance (Article 22 of the SFDR).
As a result of this, the individual and collective objectives at Jolt Capital include elements relating to the adherence to the ESG framework. The investment strategy promoted by Jolt Capital is fundamentally based on promoting socially responsible investing by considering Environmental, Social or Governance (ESG) criteria. These factors are engrained through all investment strategies, making it possible to integrate sustainability risks, including those associated with climate change.
More specifically, ESG factors are taken into account in the compensation schemes related to Jolt Capital IV fund, which is an Article 9 (SFDR) fund, in the following manner:
10% of the total carried interest is withheld until the sustainability objective of that fund is reached;
if the Fund Sustainability Objective has been partially achieved, the GHG Reserve will be proportionally released and distributed to the Carried Interest Holders.
Our approach as a responsible investor is materialized by our commitment to the United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Investment, the largest global reporting instrument on responsible investment. Jolt Capital became a UNPRI signatory in November 2020.