Satellites & Surgery @ Jolt Capital

Both formats “Le Salon by Jolt” and “L’Académie Jolt” resumed in January with sessions two days apart.

On January 17th, Professor Stephane Palfi, Head of Neurosurgery at Henri Mondor Hospital in Créteil, was our guest speaker for the 8th session of the Jolt Academy, taking us to a journey into the future of surgery (and into the humain brain).

Three takeaways:

Last mile (millimeter) delivery is of the essence
If you want your lab-grown stem cells to travel damage-free to the perfect spot, you can shield them inside alginate capsules (yes, like those little spheres in molecular gastronomy). Same if your goal is to alleviate tremors caused by dystonia or Parkinson's disease, you can use reengineered viruses to carry some dopamine-expressing genes nested inside.

Finding the (perfect) limit could save many lives
When surgeons excise a tumor, they have to balance the risks of removing too much (potentially inducing collateral damage to neighboring functions) or too little (depending on the body part, 20% to 50% of cancers will come back). Innovative devices like Beams’ intraoperative probe will optimize tumor resections by directly sensing beta decay.

A bio-inspired method for scaling innovative companies
An alternate model to scale companies faster ? Take a solid existing rootstock and graft the innovative startup on it. Just like organs or tissues you can boost by injecting modified genes. Gene therapy symbiosis applied to companies.

On January 19th, Eva Berneke, CEO of Eutelsat, was the keynote of the 8th episode of “Le Salon” Jolt dedicated to NewSpace in the Old Continent. Joining her on this webinar: Raúl Verdú (CBDO at PLD Space | reusable rockets), Luc Piguet (CEO at ClearSpace | collecting space debris) and Clément Galic (CEO at Unseenlabs | monitoring vessels from space).

On top of running Eutelsat, Eva Berneke also sits on the boards of Ecole Polytechnique and a couple of uber-famous Danish companies (Vestas and Lego). In her inspiring talk, she touched upon the following topics :

  • Disrupted satellite value chains.

  • High barriers to entry for constellations.

  • Balance between good old TV broadcast and global connectivity markets.

  • Latency as a key ingredient for some applications.

  • Rationale behind the GEO+LEO combination of Eutelsat and OneWeb approaches.


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